The Department of Management Science is as old as the School of Business formally Faculty of Commerce. Prior to 1988, it existed as a service department. Management Science specialization option was introduced in 1988 with the entry of the first batch of the 8-4-4 students. From 1998 the department introduced Operations Management and Management Information Systems specializations at postgraduate level. The Department also offers service courses to a number of other departments in the rest of the University.
The Position of the chairman has been held by:-
- Dr. James Muranga Njihia (2009 - to date)
- Mr. Charles N. Kariuki (2002 - 2009)
- Prof Mbeche Isaac Meroka ( 1997 - 2002)
- Mr. John K. Kenduiwo ( 1991- 1996)
- Prof. Danny Fernandes
- Prof. Gituro Wainaina
- Dr.Julius Rotich
- Mr. J.O. Onyango
The Department of Management Science is involved in teaching, research and consultancy in Operations Management and Management Information Systems. These two areas equip decision-makers with skills in quantitative and qualitative aspects of Operations Management and Information Technology for enhancing quality management decisions.
The Department is currently offering three options at BCom level after a recent review of its courses, two at the MBA level, and two at PhD level.
The options at BCom level are:-
- Operations Management
- Business Information Systems and
- Procurement and Supply Chain Management
The options at the MBA level are:-
- Management Information Systems
- Procurement and Supply Chain Management and
- Operations Management
The options at PhD level are:-
- Strategic Information Systems and
- Operations Management
The Department is headed by a chairman, who is assisted by two examination officers cum academic advisors. In addition, the department is in charge of the Faculty's ICT resources.
Previous Leaderships at the Department of Management Science